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                                          FRIENDS OF ST. MARY'S


Friends of St. Mary's (FSM) is comprised of civic, non-profit, religious and community leaders working in partnership to develop affordable housing, jobs, educational training and recreational programs through the revitalization of the historic campus formerly known as the St. Mary's Parish complex, now known as Steeple Square.


FSM represents a broad community collaboration of dedicated public and private partners with proven track records of implementing innovative and transformative programs.



Michelle Brown, Executive Director, Opening Doors

Tim Conlon, Vice-President, Conlon Construction Co.

Sharon Covey, CEO, Dubuque YMCA/YWCA

Dave Cushman, General Manager, Park Farm Winery

John Dunkel, Principal, Imagine-it

Sr Lynn Fangman, PVM, Director of Stewardship, Archdiocese of Dubuque

Terry Friedman, President, The Friedman Group, Inc. 

Sr. Mary Ellen Green, Opening Doors/Maria House

Dick Gregory, President,  FloorShow Companies

John Gronen, President, Gronen Restoration

Duane Hagerty, CEO, Heritage Works

Sr Helen Huewe, OSF, Dubuque Franciscan

Nancy Kann, Project Manager & Tenant Development, Gronen Restoration

Wendy Knight, Northeast Iowa Community College  

Fr. Gene Kutsch, Archdiocese of Dubuque

Jack McCullough, President, McCullough Creative, Inc.

Don Pfohl, Corporate Director, St. Mary’s Corporation

Brendan Quann, Senior Council, O’Connor & Thomas Law

Rick Runde, Finance Officer, Archdiocese of Dubuque

John Schmidt, CFO, A.Y, McDonald Mfg. Co.

Msgr. Thomas Toale, Vicar General for Dubuque Region, Archdiocese of Dubuque

Bret Tuley, Sr. Vice President of Operations and Finance, Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.

Heather Vetter, Partner, Honkamp Krueger & Company 



Executive Committee

President: Msgr. Thomas Toale

Vice-President: John Schmidt

Vice-President: Sister Helen Huewe

Secretary: Dick Gregory

Treasurer: Rick Runde 


Finance Committee

Chair: Rick Runde

Dick Gregory

John Gronen

Nancy Kann

John Schmidt

Barb Sergio, Controller, Gronen Properties | Gronen Restoration

Bret Tuley

Heather Vetter


Campaign Leadership  

Larry Friedman, Retired, The Friedman Group

Steve Fisher, Publisher, TH Media

Joe Hearn, President & CEO, Dupaco Credit Union  

Dick Gregory

Mary Gronen, Vice-President, Gronen Restoration

John Schmidt  


Marketing Committee

Chair: Jack McCullough

Sister Lynn Fangman

Nicole Gantz, Marketing Manager, Honkamp Krueger & Co.

Nancy Kann 

Sister Helen Huewe

Jill Paisley, Principal, Lucky Thirteen Design 

Kelley Schiesl, VP of Marketing/PR & Community Development, Dubuque Bank & Trust

Julie Tujetsch, Director of Advertising, Thiesen’s Home Farm Auto

Rachel Wilberding, Marketing & Operations Manager, Heritage Works


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Chair: Nancy Kann

Shawn Hillborn, Construction Manager, Gronen Restoration

John Gronen

Jeff Morton, Principal, Jeffery Morton Architects   

Don Pfohl 


Programming Committee  

Chair: Sharon Covey

Dave Cushman

Michelle Brown

Sister Helen Huewe

Jerry Huguelet, Project Development Assistant, Gronen Properties  

Rev. Gene Kutsch

Rachel Wilberding  

Chris Olson, Executive Director, Four Mounds Foundation


Events Committee

Chair: John Dunkel

Jerry Huguelet 


Grants Writing

Lead Grant Writer: Rachel Wilberding

Michelle Brown

Elizabeth Dickhut, Vista Intern, Opening Doors

Duane Hagerty

Jerry Huguelet 

Nancy Kann

Chris Olson

Barb Sergio 


"The City of Dubuque has made redevelopment of the Washington Neighborhood a priority. We are supportive of our partners in this effort to repurpose the beautiful St. Mary's campus buildings."

- Roy Buol, Mayor, City of Dubuque


"This is more than the restoration of a beautiful church; it is about building a community where all are welcome. The revitalization of the St. Mary's campus is an extension of the mission and vision of the Catholic women's religious congregations in the tristate area. When the sisters established Opening Doors: Maria House and Teresa Shelter, they responded working collaboratively with other community resources to address the needs in our community. St. Mary's campus will also be a symbol of a community which cares about its residents."

- Sr. Helen Huewe, OSF, Dubuque Franciscan

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